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UNFPA Zimbabwe 2020 Annual Report

Annual Report

In 2020, UNFPA worked with the Government of Zimbabwe and other implementing partners who contributed immensely to ensuring access to reproductive health services for all despite several challenges faced during that period, crowned by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last year of the 7th Country Programme (2016 – 2021). The pandemic posed unprecedented challenges for UNFPA programming, requiring us to relook at interventions and become more agile and innovative to ensure continuity with the delivery of critical and essential services for Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivors as well as continued access to reproductive health services for women and young people. With the national lockdown and associated travel restrictions, many people, particularly women and girls found it difficult to access both GBV and SRH services.

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The State of the World's Midwifery 2021

The State of the World's Midwifery 2021


The State of the World’s Midwifery 2021 builds on previous reports in the SoWMy series and represents an unprecedented effort to document the whole world’s Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health workforce, with a focus on midwives. It calls for urgent investment in midwives to enable them to fulfil their potential.

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State of the World Population Report 2021

State of World Population Report

The State of the World Population (SWOP) is a report analyses developments and trends in world population and demographics. The report entitled: My Body is My Own” shows that many women and girls are denied the right to decide whether to use contraception or seek health care, among many other issues cited in the report.

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UNFPA Zimbabwe 2019 Annual Report

Annual Report

UNFPA Zimbabwe has contributed, through various partnerships to the results and achievements detailed in this 2019 annual report. We will carry these partnerships forward in 2020 to ensure universal access to sexual reproductive health services. Although progress was recorded in 2019 – there is still a lot of unfinished business in various areas that requires our collective action to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health.

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Against My Will

State of World Population Report

Every day, hundreds of thousands of girls around the world are subjected to practices that harm them physically or psychologically, or both, with the full knowledge and consent of their families, friends and communities.

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The Power of Choice: Pregnancy by Choice not Chance


UNFPA Zimbabwe Country Office has been at the forefront in supporting the Zimbabwe government in ensuring the availability and accessibility of voluntary contraceptive and family planning services to women, girls and couples
who need them. This has been done through technical and financial support towards procurement of contraceptives or family planning commodities including sundries, service provider capacity strengthening, awareness and demand
generation and supply chain management. The UNFPA Zimbabwe Country Office has also supported research, which generates data that supports programming.

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Accelerating the Promise: A Collection Of Real Life Stories Of Communities in Zimbabwe in a quest for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights


In this booklet we feature a collection of stories of how far we have come on the ICPD agenda and since 1981 when we began working in Zimbabwe. As the articles show some progress has been made in the realisation of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights but there is still a lot more that still needs to be done to ensure universal coverage. We have 25 Years of commitment to the International Conference On Population & Development Programme of Action 25 stories of inspiration & resilience

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Stories of Change : Parent Child Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe


The Parent-Child Communication Program (PCC) was designed and piloted with the intention of increasing the comfort of parents and adolescents in discussing sensitive issues surrounding sexuality and reproductive health. The pilot was successfully conducted under the H4+ initiative in 2014-2015. The program has since been scaled up with funding from the Health Development Fund under the banner of the UNFPA Safe Guard Young People Program (SYP) which is co-funded by the Swiss Development Agency. The HDF is funded by the governments of Britain, Ireland, Sweden and the European Union.

This collection of real life stories of programmers and beneficiaries whose lives have been truly changed for the better showcases the success of the Parent to Child Communication program.

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State of World Population 2019

State of World Population Report

Fifty years ago, it was hard for women to obtain contraception and relatively easy to die giving birth. Many women were unable to decide whom and when to marry, and when or whether to have children.

A worldwide movement to give women real choices in life culminated in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), where a consensus was reached about the links between women’s empowerment, sexual and reproductive health, and rights and sustainable development.

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Sub-Regional Situation Report: Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe: March 2019


Since January 2019, the Southern Africa region has been affected by severe flooding, with the rainy season starting in Malawi. Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall on 14 March, bringing torrential rainfall and winds to several provinces in Mozambique and with devastating effects for Beira city. Since 2018, Mozambique has been affected by acute food insecurity due to below average and erratic rainfall.   

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