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EU and UNFPA Cooperation Quarterly Update: Zimbabwe


The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for Zimbabwe is extremely high at 960 deaths per 100 000 live births (ZDHS 2010/11) translating to about 10 women dying every day of pregnancy related complications. 

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Maternity Waiting Homes Programme: A Summary


Promoting Institutional Delivery and Pregnant Women’s Access to Skilled Care 

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Delivering as One on Gender-Based Violence

Annual Report

This report summarizes the proceedings and recommendations of the November 2010 global consultation on violence against women

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The State of the World's Midwifery 2011


The State of World's Midwifery 2011: Delivering Health, Saving Lives, provides a comprehensive analysis of midwifery services and issues in countries where the needs are greatest. The report provides information and data gathered from 58 countries in all regions of the world. Zimbabwe is one of the 58 countries that provided information. The report's anlysis confirms that the world lacks some 350 000 skilled midwives; 112 000 in the neediest 38 countries surveyed to fully meet the needs of women worldwide. 

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FACT SHEET- HIV decline in Zimbabwe: Positive Behaviour Change makes a difference


Southern Africa is the region most affected by HIV world-wide with HIV prevalence rates peaking between 10 and 40 % of the adult population. 

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Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health


This toolkit presents conceptual and practical information on engaging men and boys in promoting gender equality and health. Specific topics include sexual and reproductive health;  maternal, newborn and child health; fatherhood; HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support; and prevention of gender-based violence.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health services with HIV interventions in practice


26th Meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board 

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Reducing Inequities


Ensuring Universal Access to Family Planning as a Key Component of Sexual and Reproductive Health


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