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Terms of Reference: Thematic Analysis of the 2022 Zimbabwe Population Census

Terms of Reference: Thematic Analysis of the 2022 Zimbabwe Population Census

Harare, Zimbabwe



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Terms of Reference:

Thematic Analysis of the 2022 Zimbabwe Population Census

(1st August 2023 – 31st October 2023)


  1. Background and Context

The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), successfully conducted the 2022 Zimbabwe Population and Housing Census in April 2022, which was the fifth since Independence. No data collection operation can be considered as having been successful until its results have been analysed, published and properly disseminated for use by the end-users. This is particularly so for Population and Housing Censuses. Firstly, population censuses are such costly ventures that even affluent countries can only afford in ten-yearly intervals. Secondly, their content has increased in length and complexity over the years mainly due to the development of new technologies, improvements in human capacity and increasing needs for data for development planning thereby increasing the range of users of information generated from censuses and with this the expectations on the type and level of disaggregation of the analyses. Consequently, more detailed indicators are being required in order to monitor and evaluate progress made by countries towards the attainment of national, regional and global development goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and those from the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), the World Summit on Children (WSC), the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and National Development Strategy 1 (2021-2025). Third and last, as the only data collection operation that covers the entire population of a country, it is only reasonable that such data be exhaustively analysed to provide ample information on the various groups of the population right up to the smallest administrative unit.


The proposed census thematic analysis is aimed at further analysis of the 2022 Population and Housing Census data with the view to broadening the country’s understanding of the observed levels and trends in key components of the population. 


The proposed thematic analyses will cover Mortality levels and Differentials.



The analysis would entail, among other things, comparison with other surveys, previous censuses and other countries as well as spatial variations and trend analysis of the phenomena under study. For sustainability, this theme is demand driven, implying that there is need to inquire from and involve the users in the process.


The results from the contemplated thematic analyses will contribute to updating a set of census-based indicators required for periodic monitoring of national and international development frameworks such as NDS 1, Agenda 2063, SDGs, ICPD, WSC and CEDAW. This thematic analysis requires experts on mortaliry and differentials. 


  1. Objectives of the Thematic Analysis

The main objective of this demand/user driven thematic analysis is to broaden the country’s understanding of the observed levels and trends of mortality. The Census Analysis Team is  expected to comprise staff drawn from ZIMSTAT, key Government line ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) and other stakeholder organisations that were involved in the 2022 Population and Housing Census. More specifically, the assignment seeks to:

  1. Better utilize the 2022 population census data;
  2. Strengthen the capacity of ZIMSTAT, Government MDAs, and other stakeholder organisations in carrying out census thematic analysis; and
  3. Identify themes for further analysis and research


  1. Scope of Work and Expected Outputs

Working as teams of Statisticians from ZIMSTAT and subject matter persons from Government MDAs and other stakeholder organisations, the Census Analysis Team will be expected to perform the following tasks under the guidance and leadership of a national consultant, who will be an expert in their respective field:

  1. Prepare the context accompanied by a detailed plan of analysis on a chapter-by- chapter basis, with methods and references clearly shown
  2. Develop tabulation plans for the thematic area
  3. Participate in regular meetings of the team members. The proposed meetings include those on presentation of preliminary report, final report and the main results of the thematic analyses.
  4. Incorporate comments from thematic reviewers
  5. Identify themes for further research and analyses


  1. Expected Outputs

The expected outputs/ deliverables are as follows:

  1. Inception report
  2. Draft profile/ thematic report
  3. Final stakeholder-validated profile/ thematic report


  1. Qualifications of Consultants to be Engaged
  • Advanced university degree (Master's degree or PhD) in Demography, Statistics, Economics or other Social Sciences. Experience in analysing mortality data is preferred.
  • 8-10 years of relevant and proven professional experience in demography, statistics, statistical research and data analysis. Experience in census undertaking and/or large-scale household surveys, preferably in sub-Saharan Africa would be an added advantage;
  • Extensive work experience in demographic techniques and familiarity with demographic issues in Zimbabwe and the region
  • Experience in providing on-the-job training to national counterparts in census or national survey data analysis and report writing;
  • Demonstrated proficiency in census and survey data processing software systems such as SPSS, STATA, CsPRO and R would be an added advantage;
  • Excellent communication, analytical, report writing and presentation skills;
  • Ability to plan, organize, implement and report on work


  1. Contract of Possible Consultant

The Consultant who will be engaged to support the Census Analysis Team will be contracted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in line with its policies and procedures on recruitment. The level of consultancy fees and conditions for payment will be determined in negotiation with UNFPA.

  1. Period of Assignment and Possible Engagement of Consultant


The consultancy will be done during a performance period running from 1st August 2023 to 31st December 2023


  1. Application Procedures


Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via this website. The application should contain:

  • Cover letter stating clearly the number of man days expected to be taken for the assignment and copy of qualifications.
  • Technical Proposal which  must elaborate how the bidder will carry out the assignment, including attaching an implementation schedule, number of days  and a sample report of similar previous work. The Technical Proposal and sample reports of previous work done must be submitted to the following E-mail address:  zimbabwe.office@unfpa.org  
  • Financial Proposal[1] specifying a total lump sum amount in USD for the tasks specified in this announcement. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount by number of anticipated working days for each activity/task and any other possible costs except travel costs. Travel costs related to missions will be paid separately as per UNFPA rules and procedures. The Financial Proposal must be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal to the following E-mail address:  zimbabwe.office@unfpa.org  


Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.


Please submit applications  to the above-mentioned email address with subject line “

Thematic Analysis of the 2022 Zimbabwe Population Census” no later than Monday 17 July 2023.


  1. Evaluation of Applicants/Bids

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis of their technical capabilities to meet the requirements of the assignment (Technical Proposal) and the cost of the service (Financial Proposal).


9.1 Technical Evaluation Criteria

The technical proposal is evaluated based on its responsiveness to the stated requirements of these terms of reference using the scheme given below:





Maximum Points

[B] Points Attained by the Bidder


Weighting %

[D]= Total Points = [B] x [C]


Education Qualifications (Masters or PhD in demography, statistics, economics, rehabilitation sciences or other social sciences).






Professional work experience in demographic techniques, statistics, economics, rehabilitation sciences, statistical research and data analysis as well as familiarity with demographic, disability or labour force issues in Zimbabwe and the region.






Publications or research papers/ reports on the profile or thematic area






Demonstrated proficiency in census and survey data processing software systems (SAS, SPSS, STATA, CsPRO) and knowledge of demographic packages (Mortpak, Spectrum, etc.)






Experience in providing on-the-job training to national counterparts in census/ survey data analysis, report writing or chosen thematic area.






Excellent communication, analytical, report writing and presentation skills












Scoring System

Evaluated Criteria

Supporting Evidence

Scoring Scale (%)

Example out of 100


Excellent evidence of ability to exceed requirements




Good evidence of ability to exceed requirements




Satisfactory/acceptable evidence of ability to support requirements




Marginally acceptable evidence of ability to support requirements



Very Poor

Lack of evidence to demonstrate ability to comply with requirements



No Submission

Information has not been submitted or is unacceptable













Individual consultants must score a minimum of 70% to be considered at the Financial Evaluation stage.


9.2       Financial Evaluation Criteria


The lowest financial bid will receive the following maximum score:


Financial Evaluation Criteria


Lowest Bid



The formula for calculating the financial score is the following:


Financial score =    Lowest bid ($)      x 100 (Maximum score)

                            Bid being scored ($)


9.3       Total Score


The total score for each bidder will be the weighted sum of both the technical and financial scores, as shown below. The maximum total score is 100 points.


Total Score = 70% x Technical Score + 30% x Financial Score



[1] Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services). Travel costs must not be included in the financial proposal.