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Young people

Young people

Young people

Zimbabwe is an extremely young country, with 62% of the population below the age of 25 years. UNFPA advocates for the rights of the young men and women of Zimbabwe, including the right to accurate information and services related to their sexual and reproductive health. Empowered with knowledge and skills to protect themselves and make informed decisions, young people can realize their full potential and contribute to economic and social transformation. Challenges adolescents in Zimbabwe face include teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, unsafe abortions, child marriage and lack of access to sexual and reproductive health information services.

UNFPA supports the provision of comprehensive sexuality education for in and out of school youth to help them make healthy reproductive choices; and the promoting of young people’s access to information and utilization of services through peer education and strengthening capacity of health centres to cater for the special needs of young people.

UNFPA is also committed to capitalising on the unique opportunity presented by harnessing the demographic dividend. UNFPA is committed to advocating and supporting the government in further investment in health, education and employment for young people.


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