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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Advancing Freedoms, Equality, Justice for All

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Advancing Freedoms, Equality, Justice for All

Press Release

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Advancing Freedoms, Equality, Justice for All

calendar_today 14 June 2023

Launch of the UN at 75 Human Rights Campaign in Zimbabwe by UN Resident Coordinator HE Edward Kallon and partners
Launch of the UN at 75 Human Rights Campaign in Zimbabwe by UN Resident Coordinator HE Edward Kallon and partners








The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Advancing Freedoms, Equality, Justice for All

Harare, 14 June 2023 - The year 2023 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) providing an opportunity for the United Nations to put the spotlight on human rights across the globe. To mark the anniversary of this historic document, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, launched a global Human Rights 75 Initiative.

In Zimbabwe, the 75th anniversary of the UDHR provides an opportunity for the United Nations and stakeholders in Government, civil society, and business sector to rekindle the hope of human rights for every person. To mark the launch of the national Human Rights 75 Initiative in Zimbabwe, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Edward Kallon said, “Rights violations reverberate across borders and across generations. These can be, must be, collectively overcome. As the world faces challenges, new and ongoing pandemics, conflicts, exploding inequalities, moral bankruptcy, global financial system collapse, racism, climate change – the values, and rights enshrined in the UDHR provide guideposts for our collective actions that do not leave anyone behind.”

Activities to advance the Human Rights 75 Initiative will run throughout the year and culminate in a High-Level Event convened by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, together with a group of leaders and co-hosted by the Government of Switzerland. This Event which will take place from 11 to 12 December 2023 will provide all Member States and other stakeholders with an opportunity to submit pledges for transformative change and progress in the cause of human rights.

In recognition of the Human Rights 75 Initiative global thematic focus for June highlighting women’s rights, activities for the rest of the month will leverage on the achievements of the Spotlight Initiative, a joint programme to eliminate violence against women and girls implemented by the United Nations and Partners with the funding from the European Union. Pointing out the need to raise the awareness on the interdependence and interconnectedness of women’s rights in all spheres of life, UN Women Country Representative Fatou Lo said: “No meaningful social contract is possible without the active and equal participation of women and girls. Equal participation in leadership, economic inclusion, and gender-balanced decision-making are simply better for everyone, men, and women alike.”

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a foundational blueprint for taking concrete actions to stand up for human rights including women’s rights and tackle pressing social, economic and political issues of today. The UN in Zimbabwe calls on the Government and all stakeholders to rekindle the spirit, impulse, and vitality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and renew a national consensus on advancing human rights.


Notes for Editors//

This is part of a broader #ZIM4HumanRights advocacy running until December 2023 to engage with media, Government institutions, Independent Commissions, Civil society, Private sector, and religious bodies in Zimbabwe.

In the decades since 50 countries signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have pushed the frontiers in medicine, technology, the environment, social and political expression, economic and labour laws, and more. We have witnessed the signing of The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) ratified by Zimbabwe, in addition section 80 of the Zimbabwe Constitution recognises that “every woman has full and equal dignity of the person with men, and this includes equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities”. These milestones highlight progress as a process, and much to build on still remains. The Declaration reflects an agreement that equality, freedom, and justice are values that drive a thriving society where everyone can experience equal access to opportunities in these domains and any of their choosing.

The Declaration is a life guide encompassing thirty articles that address rights and benefits, which have been realized by many yet outside the reach of others. These include access to education, employment, fair pay, voting rights, healthcare and more; the values of free speech, privacy, and mutual respect irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion are evinced by the Declaration.

Human Rights 75 Initiative has three goals: forging renewed consensus on the universality and indivisibility of human rights, reflecting on the application and breakthroughs for human rights over the next 25 years, and strengthening the UN human rights architecture. The initiative culminates in a high-level event which will take place on 11 to 12 December 2023. Human Rights 75 high-level event will be an opportunity for Member States and other stakeholders to submit pledges for transformative change and progress in the cause of human rights. The event will also commemorate achievements, while looking to the future. Its outcome will be a vision for human rights for the next 25 years, feeding into the UN Secretary General’s Summit of the Future which will take place in 2024.

Link to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: https://www.ohchr.org/human-rights/universal-declaration/translations/english

Link to the webpage on Human Rights 75 Initiative: https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights-75

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